Andreas Millonig is the Chief Operating Officer of IMMOunited GmbH. Born in Carinthia, he successfully completed his studies in applied business administration at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt in 2009 and started his professional career as a key account manager in the Immounited sales team. In June 2012 he took over the business development agenda and at the beginning of 2018 he was promoted to Chief Innovation Officer and was responsible for innovation management and the innovation processes of the entire group of companies.
In January 2021, Andreas took over the operational management of Immounited, the market leader in the online provision of information about real estate transactions in Austria. The business economist and data mining expert has been with the company for almost ten years and, as a close confidante of company founder Roland Schmid.
IMMOunited is the market leader in the online provision of land register and real estate data throughout Austria.